Black Holes : part 1
Fig:1 The actual image of a black hole
Every one of us in si-fi seen a celestial body sucking all matter towards them and most of you know its name. yes, it's a black hole 🕳️.intially it was called as ghost star because as we cannot see a ghost, similarly we cannot see a black hole because its dark color matches the color of the universe behind it.
Fig2:-Cosmic ray jets from the black hole
What is a black hole?
It's a region of high-density of matter. its gravity is too powerful that it can curve the space-time continuum.
Inside the region of it's the event horizon, even light cannot escape from it, basically its place of no return.
So another one, why we call it a black hole?
We can see objects because light falling on it reflects and strikes on our retina. Some flowers look red to us because the light reflected from it has a wavelength of around 700 nm.
Similarly, black objects look black because black color absorbs too much radiation.
Now, a black hole's escape velocity is greater than the speed of light so, any radiation falling on it got absorbed by the black hole.
So, it neither emits nor reflects any radiation except one of Hawking's radiation we will talk about it later on.
Now, the question arises is that how we can detect that there's a black hole in that part of space.
Fig3:- bright part of this black hole is accretion disk
When a black hole consumes a star, the gases and other matter of that star start revolving around the black hole that revolving disk is known as an accretion disk,
That revolving matter reaches that temperature of millions of degrees. Which can be detected by using big telescopes.
More in the next article,
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For part 2 click here