Neutron star: The true monster
We all love the night sky, even the none humans like vampires love the night sky, that was a lame joke but, but the sky see is filled with numerous secrets, from which The one is the NEUTRON STAR.
Imagine a star of mass greater than that of our sun, but radius a few miles across. I am talking about Neutron stars, the second most dense object in the whole observable universe.
Fig1:-Neutron star
A neutron star is the core of dead stars but they are still deadly, they can destroy the whole spaceship of space travelers,
Even they can cause mass extinction on nearby star's planets.
So, how Neutron star forms,
When a star got out of fuel its gravitational force dominates over fusions force, which consequently pumps up the core of the star, now if the star is big enough to initiate and end the supernova explosion it will form a nebula, but if the star's mass is not enough to end supernova it will form a core of a dead star, which is called as a Neutron star
During the process, the star's atoms are compressed to neutralize the proton and electron,
Some stunning facts about neutron stars:-
Neutron star spin at the rate of 1000 spins per second.
They create an intense gravitational field which can spaghettified any think around it.
According to Astronomer Michelle Thaller, "There is a limit of creating magnetic fields after that limit magnetic field starts to destroy space-time, and magnetar exists on the edge of this limit".
As magnetic field intensity is inversely proportional to the surface area of a star, Sometimes, magnetar is formed.
These are the universe's strongest magnets.
Inside the neutron star there exist tangled highly energized magnetic field lines, when this line slips from one to another they eject an enormous amount of energy. We, humans, have witnessed this type of destruction in the year 2004
Pulsar: a type of Neutron star which emits radio waves at a very high rate.
If I'll be the guide of space travelers then I will advise them to stay away from these neutron stars maybe they look nice from distance but can be dangerous from the near.
amazing facts