GRB:- Gamma Ray Bursts

Everything in this universe has two faces, a silent one and the vigorous one.
Even our universe has two faces, from silent voids and to violent Gamma-Ray bursts
Wait! What're gamma-ray Bursts?

The cosmic laser beam, You read it correctly. Today's topic is gamma-ray, these are the universe's most powerful events. 
Firstly, gamma-ray are highly energized beams of particles.
            fig1: gamma-ray burst on of                  the most energetic events 
On the cosmic scale, these are 
supernovae but of a special case
Theory suggests that when a star explodes the energy is coming out from only one direction instead of all directions.
 Generally, GRM (gamma-ray bursts)take place in neutron stars 
The reason is that when a star suddenly collapses to form a neutron star, it starts to rotate much faster, which stores too much rotational energy inside it. 
And the easiest way for energy and matter to come out is from poles.  so, a star triggers matter and energy from its with a velocity nearly equivalent to the Speed of light. Which can be disastrous for any civilization.
Gamma-ray burst lasts a few seconds but can destroy an entire civilization 
In the year 2003, we encountered a gamma-ray burst but of minute intensity, after it, astronomers begin to calculate the origin of that ray and found out that ray is traveling for 7 billion years,
We, humans, were lucky that day, but that's not compulsory.
These kinds of explosions are very common and going on every single second, yes every single second, but we are safe because earth i.e solar system is a very very small target.
The universe is unpredictable, maybe  another gamma rays burst is heading towards us but now with high intensity, who knows,
So, live your life, live your life.
Hope you got it


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