Venus: The hell in our solar system

While in the night sky the second most luminous object you see is Venus. It is called the twin of the earth because of its size. but everyone knows these facts. What's new on this page.
Move ahead and find out new this about Venus.
                       Fig1: venus
Some basic information about Venus: venus rotates in the anticlockwise direction and it takes more than 200 earth days to complete 1 rotation. The reason for that is that Venus had been through deadly collision. Which changed its rotation direction.
.             fig2: the surface image of venus
When all the four planets are formed, the late heavy bombardment left too much water on the surface of all the 4 Rocky planets.
As, time goes on, the sun becomes stronger and stronger, its radiation started to hit venus. As stated the rotational speed of Venus is much slower, therefore, it was not able to generate a strong magnetic field that can defend its water from the deadly solar wind proximity to the sun made it vapor rich planet and as we know that vapor is greenhouse gas it trapped heat and now condition on the venue become worse now, venue rains sulphuric acid on its surface. The surface temperature of Venus reaches around 900 Celsius.
It has a crushing atmosphere, actually be venus's atmosphere is a supercritical fluid.  There are volcanoes, all conditions above are the signs that the Venus is hell.
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